
Saturday, July 30, 2005

university resources

Guess who's got the connection! My home internet is still not up and running to I decided to come up to the University Library to use their computers. I thought I would have to pay for parking, but I didn't even have to do that! I tried to insert money and it read, "NO CHARGE PARKING PERIOD!" Whoo hoo! Well, I skipped out on one R and P yesterday, and today I have R and P and plan to tonight. One more day until my birth month! Have a great night!


ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

hey, I noticed that Ikea is on your list of webaroonies -- the newest one opens tomorrow in Frisco (about 40 minutes away from me) and I get to go. I can't wait!!

MullTrain said...

Hey Mindy! I forgot, until it was too late, that you were supposed to be here when I started my blog.


Well anyways I will need some help figuring out some of the features, so you will definitely be involved. Come check it out. Hehe fun stuff! See ya later girly girl!

Jill said...

hello Mindy and her blog! :)

aikou Iesu said...

Hey all! Pizzapizzaman that is awesome that you are getting an ikea near you! I went to the one in Houston and only got 1/20 of the way through! Mulltrain, I hope you are ready for pictures out the wazoo on your blog! Jill! Thanks for the hello! ;p

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