
Thursday, August 25, 2005

bummer... big bummer

Well, today is an otay day, but I am really bummed. I am bummed about a lot of things, but I am too afraid to tell anyone. I do not want to embarrass the people I love and I let people step all over me. I am changing today, and I hope it is for the better. I grew a little more...aged a little more...because hey, it's my birthday! My cousin just called which I have not talked to in ages! Otay, today is a bummer... a big bummer, but maybe I need to value the things I do receive from the people that love me instead of the things I do not receive from others. I am a GREEDY brat, especially today because I think that I deserve something, but the truth is I deserve worse and should be thankful that I am not getting worse. There goes my tongue just flapping in the wind!!! Have a great day everyone! ;p


Bethany said...

Happy Birthday, Mindy!

MullTrain said...

Mindy it's your birthday! I love you!

aikou Iesu said...

Thanks Bethany and MullTrain! I love you guys!

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