
Friday, September 23, 2005


This post goes out to my Grandma. She died I guess last night or this morning and did not wake up. About two years ago, she had a stroke and lost a lot of her ability to speak, walk, think, and many other things. Later she had a urinary tract infection and it repeated the symptoms of the stroke. This made lost abilities even worse. One day she was walking and fell, this fall paralyzed her from the neck down and at this time her speech pretty much went. It has been hard watching her go through all this but one thing was encouraging. After the first stroke, her attitude changed. Before she seemed angry all the time, but after she seemed happy and was able to laugh in one day possibly more than I have ever seen her laugh before that time. Also, when I would talk about Jesus before she would talk about gambling and after she would listen. I really hope that the Holy Spirit changed her and that she was saved. I really enjoyed the time I was able to spend with her and will miss her and her laugh. I love you Grandma. Thank you God for giving me such a great Grandma. Thank you God for the trust I have in you because your ways are perfect. God, you are the only one who can sustain me. May God overflow your cup.

Grandma reading her Japanese magazine. Posted by Picasa

Grandma! Posted by Picasa


cassie said...

i'm glad you got to enjoy your grandma. (it's really cute that she's reading a japanese magazine)

Anonymous said...

Mindy, I always find your strength so encouraging! I know your grandma has been sick for a long time, but you have always lifted her up in your prayers, and I know others did too. I really admire your faith, and I would bet your grandma saw it in you too! Love you lots!


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