
Saturday, October 15, 2005


Okay, I took this quiz thinking that it would guess wrong and put me as middle, oldest, or youngest. I also thought that it would not even have an only child ending, but look!
You Are Likely an Only Child

At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated.
At work and school, you do best when you're organizing.
When you love someone, you tend to worry about them.

In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic.
Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management.
You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.


MullTrain said...

Wow, it predicted me right too. I am likely to be second born! Crazy...

Jill said...

it said i was a fourth-born! how random! (i'm the oldest of 3)

ThePizzaPizzaMan said...

It pegged me right at being the oldest -- I wonder how my siblings would turn out?? does it go to 7?

aikou Iesu said...

Ha ha ha! That is cool, I really do wonder if it goes up to seven or ten for that matter.

curtis said...

I'm likely to be an only child as well. But I know I have siblings....oh well

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