
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Matthew 28:20

This morning was not like every morning and yet it was. Last night I went to sleep thinking what am I going to do about a job, and really thinking that God was not listening. Of course I am wrong, God acts in our lives even when we think He is not, and I know that but for me I have a problem seeing that when I am having a rough day. When I am having a rough day I like to focus on the problems and say to myself, yeah yeah, I know God is there but I am going to still have to tough it out all by myself. Well, I guess you could say I got a face full of water this morning, a fresh wakening, and was looking for a job and found one that seemed great and tagged at the end of it was this, " 'Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.' Matthew 28:20." I sat there and laughed at myself saying, you know, you really do not know how awesome God is and so easily think that you know Him. I so easily say that He is like a human who makes mistakes and does not listen, but God is not like that. He is trustworthy, faithful, eternal, and not human, and I am very thankful for that! Thank you Lord, for being You and letting us see a little bit of Your goodness. Well, I have not received a job yet but this definitely encouraged me to stick my foot in some more doors. Please pray for me you guys and I hope to hear from you soon. Love all of you and have a great day!


Colleen Marsh said...

This is a great page! Thank you Mindy. I will be praying for your job situation. I myself have been struggeling with what job to get next year. I am not exactly excited about a teaching job, but am open to where God leads. I love you and thank you again for sharing your page with me!
-Colleen Marsh :)

aikou Iesu said...

Yeah Colleen, thanks for checking out my page. I hope that you can find a job for next year and it is so good to be open to where God leads you! I love you too and I will be checking your page out as well!

MullTrain said...

I pray for you all the time girlie. :) I hope you do find a job, I know it must be stressful to be in limbo like this. But I am glad that you have a source of comfort in God. He is always there, we just forget sometimes!

Heather said...

Hey girl... by now, I guess you are back "home". Take care!!

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