
Friday, November 3, 2006

just for writing

I cannot remember what was said this past Sunday in Church. You would think I would since it is important, but I am losing it. (My memory, I mean!) Getting older is nice but when did all of this forgetfulness start? I would say it is because I am stuffing my head with all kinds of other information, but when my Husband says his favorite color is yellow I take note of it. There are a lot of things that I find important and I am starting to forget them, grrr. I do remember two Sundays ago, when we discussed that the Church is not the building it is the people that are the Church.

Right now we are studying the Old Testament which is really hard for me to do anyways because I say, "Okay, I am going to start at Genesis and read the whole thing!" I am sure we all have come to this point once in our lives, and for me I start and am on a roll until I get to the part where it talks about hyelemel begot lumewar begot sauqet begot some other name I cannot pronounce. Another part I find myself stopping at is when it talks about cutting the bull's head off and sprinkling the blood here and pouring it there. I think, okay, umm, why do I need to remember this? Coming back to us studying the Old Testament in Church, well, it is all tying together. We see the fall of man in Genesis, God's wrath against the world (Noah and the arky arky), God's covenant with Abraham and his descendents (both physical and spiritual), man's natural tendency to sin and God's redeeming love that brings us back, and connecting it to the New Testament with God's gift of His Son Jesus on the cross for our sins. Weird how it all connects but I never would have understood it possibly if I our Church had not have gone through it with me.

Actually, I have heard it all before but our Church is going in order of the Bible, not topically, not jumping around to whatever is pleasing, but in order of the Bible and it helps. Well, if you guys are interested in listening to our Church messages go to the itunes store, search for southcrest, and then check out the southcrest university ministry. Have a great day and I am off to Chemistry! May God overflow your cup!

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