
Friday, August 26, 2005


For GravyGal! I hope you are having fun watching movies or something! I am blogging before it turns into tomorrow. Well, I had a good evening with friends and family. (It's weird calling Bob family but he is, seeing as we look nothing alike.) I like people! They are so interesting! Do not look at me like that. It is not like I want to disect them so I can study them. I like expressions, silly things that slip out of their brains, and stories! I really like to talk about God and I really like to more than the stories and stuff, so I was wondering how many people feel the way I do. How many of you would rather talk to fellow Christians about Jesus than about movies and stories that we like hearing? And if we do why does it not happen? I feel kinda ashamed that the one of the few times I may have thought on God tonight while visiting with people was during the prayer for our food. God is what I want my main attraction to be, and I work daily on making Him it. Not wanting to be legalistic, but just wanting to be more mindful of how much better of a topic I could have. I love you guys and I have been R and P and liking it! May God overflow your cup, good night!


GravyGal said...

Ps. Happy Birthday!!

GravyGal said...

What a wonderful and encouraging post! (not to mention the great name)

Interesting that you should mention talking about Jesus rather than talking about movies (or sitting down to watch one). That is the very topic we discussed the other night when some guys from the church were over for dinner.

I found this while I was thinking on the topic. Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus:

"and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." -Eph 6:18-20

Let's all pray for one another's boldness in proclaiming the gospel. (I know I need prayer!)

aikou Iesu said...

Amen to Eph 6:18-20! I agree, the title of the blog would have to be on the top five list! Thanks for the HB! Hope you have a grrreat day!

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