
Saturday, September 3, 2005

i am sick!

Never again will I eat something I am allergic to! Ah, A Walk to Remember will get me to feeling better! I really like that movie. It may be sad but it cheers me up somehow. I cannot breathe! Ah, mucus, snot, and a stuffy nose! My nose is making squeeking noises as the air goes out. I need more Robitussin! So how was everyone's first week of school?!? I like my studio professor's attitude about our class. He said that he wants us to take chances and not concentrate on the grade but to concenrate on learning. Plus, he, his wife, and another professor are giving us extra learning on the side! Well, I R and P today, but have been on and off during the past few days. I learned a lot today, but I hope to retain what I learned. I hope to remember that even when I think I am being good it is not really good or it is not good enough. All that is good in me is Christ, and depending on Him is what I NEED to do all the time. Lord strike my pride down! God is so worthy of all praise, and it makes me sick when I am full of pride and not realizing who He is in my life. Trying to recognize that any good in me is God and that Christ in me is what God is satisfied with. God is ultimately good and I need only to lean on Christ and not on myself. Glory be to God! May God overflow your cup! Good night!

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