
Thursday, June 28, 2007

the longest blog in history!

Well, this blog will probably be too long for you to handle so I figured that you could take one paragraph and comment on it... lol... that is your assignment... now go! Just kidding, but do not feel compelled to read it all... there are no repercussions to not reading every single line and you will still be my friend even if you do not read the next sentence on.

I have been slacking... BIG TIME! It is Summer... and I know that everyone thinks that is the time for a vacation... and that is all good for a week, but I am tired of the Summer kinda. I like working but getting to that point is hard. Especially (for me) if I do not have someone pushing me. I am a schedule person and sporadic activities are not a friend to my schedule because I get off of it usually and then things that I need to get done during the Summer just get put in the closet. Diligence is really important to me because I think somewhere in the Bible is says for us to be diligent.

The problem with me is that my way of slacking is doing stuff... just not stuff that is beneficial. I watch movies over and over again, I surf the net for way WAY to long, I watch TV shows, I listen to music, and so on. I do not do things that are educational (reading), exercising, socializing to care for people, and so on. If anything I feel that I am shy and that I am inadequate to talk to others, to tired to exercise and read, and I take the easy way out because every one around me is doing it and it is easy! So what am I supposed to do... be rude to people and tell them I cannot hang out by watching a movie because I am on a strict schedule... stop talking because it takes a lot of work to talk to someone?

We are studying James 2 right now and it talks about not favoring people. So what does that mean in today's world? Well, back then favoritism was shown by instance of giving the rich man the good seat and the poor man a seat at your feet as James shows. Today it is what appeals to yours and my selfish needs. If I (a tennis player) meet a person who plays tennis and then another person who plays golf and invite the tennis person over and forget about the golf person... fAvOrItIsM! Well, mainly if I am thinking about myself and saying... it is easier for me to talk to the tennis player so I will invite them.... or it is so much more fun to talk to the tennis player than the golfer... I am showing favoritism. Now if I say... the golfer or tennis player was sitting alone and the other one has a group of friends already and go for the one that is alone that is not favoritism... that is caring for them... right?

So in saying all of this... in Bible study we concluded that we need to be more mindful of the reasons we do what we do. Do not be selfish (1 Cor. 13:4-5 "Love is... not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way;...") and do not show favoritism. And I hope that I can do that when going about my daily activities and that I can also choose to be selfless about my needs, care for others, and be diligent.

Has anyone heard about the floods happening all over Texas? 75 year old Ed Slinger lost his home to fires in California. And I hope that you guys do not forget about the people affected by Virginia Tech, Iraq War, and the unreached nations. Try to keep these people in your prayers and please remind me to pray also. The reason I write is to encourage you and build up your faith and also receive the same from you. Thank you for reading. I hope all is well in life and that you find joy in Christ and treasure Christ's glory.
May God overflow your cup! Blessings!

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